🎉How to Start A Sesh

A blue print to starting a classic sesh to start onboarding today.

A Sesh

A "sesh", a street slang for a session, indicates a BluntDAO activation where members or the general public art actively smoking in a zone

Some Ingredients to A Good Sesh

  • Vibes

  • Bud, bring yourself or find a local plug looking to sponsor

  • Materials like a grinders, paper or preolls

  • Easy, smoke friendly spot

Some Tips

  • its always easier to start a sesh somewhere else than all the logistics of starting your own independent event. We reccomend you lean on existing events. Even starting a Sesh outside the line for an event is a good way to network / onboard before the party has started.

  • We have some activities already that are on brand; Examples include

    • Who can pearl the best blunt?

    • Chicago / Taxi: hold the hit until the rotation

    • Who can smoke the longest without tapping out?

    • Who can roll the longest blunt?

    • Who can roll with one hand?

    • Who can roll the biggest blunt

Low Budget Events

  • Touch Grass: a decentralized activation series where we go to a park and spark

If You Are Looking For Funding

We expect the following to fund a sesh.

  • At least 5 people

  • Community partners to lean on

  • Knowledge of on-chain or some onboarding member

If you are not crashing another event and doing a stand alone event

  • Good music

Request via unlimited sesh fund.

Be cognizant of the laws in your area regarding smoking in public. This is not legal advice, and BluntDAO is super compliant

If you are onboarding people IRL, have good internet. Make sure you have a code from an OG validator for effective onboarding

Last updated