🗳️Voting in the DAO
BluntDAO got a DAO on every chain we on my G, this is for voting in the OG DAOs, not blunts.wtf
Right now BluntDAO has 3 DAOs; Solana, NEAR, EVMs
bluntdao.org/dao-sol for the Solana DAO
To vote you need to have the OG BluntDAO Validator NFT
For more information check out this article
blutndao.org/dao-near for the NEAR DAO
You can vote if you recieved the OG BluntDAO Validator NFT on NEAR
bluntdao.org/snapshot for the EVM DAO on Snapshot
You can vote if you recieved the Sesh NFT at Eth Denver and future GenaDrop soul bound NFTs
For info on how to vote on the Snapshot https://medium.com/@bluntdao/bluntdao-onboards-the-ethereum-ecosystem-1d4303862c7c
For how to validate someone on GenaDrop https://medium.com/@bluntdao/polygon-proof-of-sesh-%EF%B8%8Fethdenver-w-genadrop-bb4f2fa92153
Formatting A Proposals
Proposals are known as BluntDAO Improvement Proposals (BIP) and are formally considered under the following naming convention.
BIP #000X (XX): Title of Proposal. where #000X is the number of the proposal. Please check all the last proposals to increment accordingly. And (XX) denoted the proposal category and ": Title of Proposal" properly describes the proposal.
Categories Include
Funding Requested (FR)
When funding is requested
Funding Awarded (FA)
When funding has been distributed. Traditionally will be a proposal for transfer to council, or an off-chain distribution reported on chain.
Operations (OP)
Regarding suggestions on operations of BluntDAO. Could be internal processings, toolings, etc.
Development (DV)
A suggestion regarding developer work hours or regarding a specific product build
Partnerships + Business Development (BD)
Regarding formal approval by members and also external parties for business propositions, potential partnerships and collaborations with BluntDAO
Contribution Log (CL)
To denote a member contribution that is significant within the DAO
Quarterly Report (QR)
This is a report released on a quarterly basis.
Governance Process (GP)
This is regarding changes in the BluntDAO governance process. For example; changes to validator requirements.
Last updated